Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Love the ones who don't just because you can. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Kiss slowly. Forgive quickly. God never said life would be easy. He just promised it would be worth it.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
TESIA - My Christmas Angel Tree Child.
I am her Angel Tree Warrior this year!
The goal is to raise $1000 for her adoption fund and bring her to the attention of the family who will choose to adopt her.
Save the dates: the "Angel Tree" begins on Nov. 1st and goes through Dec. 31st.
Please pray for those children and support! Every dollar helps!
To see her profile, please click here: TESIA.
If you would like to know more about Christmas Angel Tree, please click here:
Christmas Warrior Program.
One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others!
Thank you!
Our Crazy Life... Confessions by a Mommy of Eight: Court and Trip Three!!!
Our Crazy Life... Confessions by a Mommy of Eight: Court and Trip Three!!!: On September 16th, in a country in Eastern Europe my husband (I stayed home with all the kids) stood in front of a judge and asked for permi...
Every Good and Perfect Gift: T-Shirt Time!!!
Every Good and Perfect Gift: T-Shirt Time!!!: I'm amazed by how much people love this shirt design!! (I'm a big fan, too!) Fund the Nations is an awesome organization that helps...<
Monday, September 29, 2014
Our Adoption Journey: A Big Jump
Our Adoption Journey: A Big Jump: If you are following along you will notice that our thermometer has jumped up substantially! Most of that is from extra money I earned this...

The Cox Course: About Fundraising And Costs Involved In Maria's Ra...
The Cox Course: About Fundraising And Costs Involved In Maria's Ra...: I am sorry to jump around a little bit and share a post about money instead of adding the next chapter to our story but, I felt it is import...
I might be at the point of begging now . We are in country and court was postponed twice due to issues that could not be helped by anyone. We still need about $3300.00 to be fully funded and have been offered a $1700.00 matching grant. We are being very frugille here; riding the city bus instead of having a driver pick us up, eating Ramon noodles every day and freezing lol. It is 48 degrees and we only brought shorts and capris with us. We did break down and buy us both a jacket but trying not to spend any money so we are strutting the short pants in this cold On our way here our flight was cancelled due to an airline strike so we want to plan for the unexpected costs for the trip home too . It seems like; if it can happen it's going to happen to us just like the Blooms . Please help us. We are so close now. When the FSP reads $5000.00 we will reveal new pictures. I don't have any item to offer because I'm in country but I know God will bless you . Thank you! Http:://
I might be at the point of begging now . We are in country and court was postponed twice due to issues that could not be helped by anyone. We still need about $3300.00 to be fully funded and have been offered a $1700.00 matching grant. We are being very frugille here; riding the city bus instead of having a driver pick us up, eating Ramon noodles every day and freezing lol. It is 48 degrees and we only brought shorts and capris with us. We did break down and buy us both a jacket but trying not to spend any money so we are strutting the short pants in this cold On our way here our flight was cancelled due to an airline strike so we want to plan for the unexpected costs for the trip home too . It seems like; if it can happen it's going to happen to us just like the Blooms . Please help us. We are so close now. When the FSP reads $5000.00 we will reveal new pictures. I don't have any item to offer because I'm in country but I know God will bless you . Thank you! Http:://
Friday, September 26, 2014
Blessings Eternal: Book Auction is Live!!
Blessings Eternal: Book Auction is Live!!: Our Bountiful Blessings & Books auction got started a little early today due to some excited early bidders! That's ok :) There was ...
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Bringing HOME Family - Our Adoption Journey: Brennan AsaMing Jachin Barrett
Bringing HOME Family - Our Adoption Journey: Brennan AsaMing Jachin Barrett: I hope everyone has had a great weekend!! I just got home from family game night with my whole family and saw that one sweet friend has jus...
Now taking orders for Christmas blankets. $20 each plus shipping:
China figurines. We have 7 available for $10 each plus $3 shipping. They are 3 inches high:
Now taking orders for Christmas blankets. $20 each plus shipping:
China figurines. We have 7 available for $10 each plus $3 shipping. They are 3 inches high:
Panda necklace $20:
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Zero the zeros !!!: Win $100 for an Angel Tree child !!
Zero the zeros !!!: Win $100 for an Angel Tree child !!: Time for something a little different !! As you know, my aim is to a) ensure that NO older child listed with Reece's Rainbow has ze...
Friday, September 19, 2014
TESIA - My Christmas Angel Tree Child.
I am her Angel Tree Warrior this year!
The goal is to raise $1000 for her adoption fund and bring her to the attention of the family who will choose to adopt her.
Save the dates: the "Angel Tree" begins on Nov. 1st and goes through Dec. 31st.
Please pray for those children and support! Every dollar helps!
To see her profile, please click here: TESIA.
If you would like to know more about Christmas Angel Tree, please click here:
Christmas Warrior Program.
One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others!
Thank you!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
How to Clean your Washing Machine.
So let me start with a little story about our washing machine…. about 6 months after we got our new front loader, I began to notice a not so nice smell coming from our machine. Using these tips, I did eventually figure out how to get rid of the smell and it has pretty much been stink-free for the past three years. Now since the smell was gone, I had gotten a little lazy about actually cleaning the washing machine. No smell meant that everything was clean, right?
Ummm…apparently not.
I’m not sure why I hadn’t noticed all that mold before but it definitely had to go! If you have a lot of mold like I did, you really need to use bleach to get at it. As a general rule, I try to stay away from bleach but there was no getting away from it this time! Make sure that you have some gloves on and keep the doors {and windows if possible} open for ventilation.
Start by wiping down the whole rubber gasket with a white rag soaked in a 50/50 mixture of bleach and warm water. Make sure you pull back the rubber gasket to clean inside as well as this is where most of the mold will be. If there is still mold remaining, soak a towel with your bleach mixture, shove it into the gasket, and let it sit for 30 minutes.
After soaking, remove the towel and scrub the gasket gently with an old toothbrush. See? SO much better!
Wipe down the rubber gaskets with a clean dry cloth until no residue remains. Once you are done, place all of the rags that have come in contact with the bleach into your washing machine and run them through a complete wash and rinse cycle on the hottest setting.
Next, run the machine through a second complete cycle {at the hottest setting} adding 2 cups of vinegar {PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU SHOULD NEVER MIX BLEACH AND VINEGAR TOGETHER!!}. I added a couple of small, clean bath towels to the wash as well {as per the recommendations from my instruction manual to never run an empty load}.
Remove the detergent dispenser and clean with a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water. Make sure to wipe down the inside of the washing machine as well where the detergent dispenser goes.
Lastly, clean the inside of the door with a rag and a 50/50 water and vinegar mixture. Pay extra attention to the bottom aspect of the door where the water would pool.
So now that your washing machine is clean, how do you keep it that way? Try these tips every time you run a load…
Give the rubber gaskets a swipe. After each load of laundry, get in the habit of checking the rubber gaskets for any small clothing items {my kids socks love to hang out there} and quickly wiping them down with a dry cloth to get rid of any excess water. I know that I had no mold when I did this and you can obviously see what my washing machine looked like when I stopped doing this!
Leave the door open. Leave your washing machine door slightly ajar to allow air to circulate and help to prevent the growth of mold and mildew.
Remove wet clothes promptly. Okay I know that this does not always happen, but try to do this as much as possible. If you cannot get to your laundry right away, try to at least pop the door open when the load has finished.
And, finally, get in the habit of giving your washing machine a clean once per month. If there is no visible mold, skip the bleach and just clean with the vinegar. This will help to remove all of the soap residues from your machine and leave it clean and disinfected!
Happy Cleaning!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
My Little Starfishes: ADOPTION FUNDRAISER - GIVEAWAY!!!I am heading to ...
I am heading to ...: ADOPTION FUNDRAISER - GIVEAWAY!!! I am heading to Asia in a very short time and need to complete my fundraising!! I am adopting two litt...
I am heading to ...: ADOPTION FUNDRAISER - GIVEAWAY!!! I am heading to Asia in a very short time and need to complete my fundraising!! I am adopting two litt...
Our Chinese Butterflies: WE ARE ??????
Our Chinese Butterflies: WE ARE ??????: DTC Dossier to China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so amazing to be able to type those 3 letters. There h...
Monday, September 15, 2014
Bringing HOME Family - Our Adoption Journey: Brennan AsaMing Jachin Barrett
Bringing HOME Family - Our Adoption Journey: Brennan AsaMing Jachin Barrett: I hope everyone has had a great weekend!! I just got home from family game night with my whole family and saw that one sweet friend has jus...
Sometimes It Takes a Village... to Create a Family!: Chippin' in for Little C !!!
Sometimes It Takes a Village... to Create a Family!: Chippin' in for Little C !!!: THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to our FIRST 15 states !! Total : $900 towards Little C!! We are still working on rounding o...
Sometimes It Takes a Village... to Create a Family!: August Update... We Think We Can! We Think We Can!...
Sometimes It Takes a Village... to Create a Family!: August Update... We Think We Can! We Think We Can!...: I'm not gonna lie... July was a bittersweet month... On a good note we celebrated our son's birthday with his future cousins here a...
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Bringing HOME Family - Our Adoption Journey: Our Story
Bringing HOME Family - Our Adoption Journey: Our Story: Michelle is a single mother to her six children. She has four biological children and two that she adopted from the US Foster Care System t...
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