Adoption Fundraiser Ideas.

1. Give Away. Give Away with various items that friends and family donated. There are some legalities you should know so check into those before you start. Just make sure you specify the rules and regulations very clearly.

2. Just Love Coffee. This is a very easy fundraiser. You enroll with them and then get a percentage of the profits. It requires no work on your part so it doesn't really hurt to set up an account.

3. You can find a friend or another adoptive mom who has a direct sales business: 31 party, Avon Fundraiser, Pampered Chef Party, Scentsy Party. It depends on the product itself, the percentage of sales you get, if the seller is willing to donate their commission, etc. I like them, though, because you are giving people a good product for their donation.

4. Yard Sale. Definitely something worth looking in to.

5. Puzzle Piece Fundraiser.

6. On-Line Auction. Crafts, homemade things, Gift cards donated by friends and family. Things that you have at home. You can use Facebook page, your Blog to do this.

7. Change Drive. Have been done many ways: you can schedule it around childs birthday to make it more significant.

8. Adoption T-Shirts: through Adoption Bug. There are other organizations that also host these sales. You get a check each month for a percentage of the sales. I like these because they raise money and awareness at the same time.

9. Find a Skill or Craft. I've seen other people sell hair bows, sock dolls, and many other things. This can be done with an etsy shop, a facebook page or a blog post.

10. Amazon Associate. This program is also very simple and requires little effort on your part. You put a link on your blog and encourage your friends and family to go to Amazon through that link. You get a check each month for a percentage of all the sales that come through your link. This program isn't allowed in IL. Fundraise at Local Restaurants. Free & Simple.

Other Tips:

1. Update your Adoption Blog Regularly. People want to experience this with you . Keep your blog updated - even when you feel like there aren't any updates to make. You never know who is reading and who is donating.

2. Get your family profile listed: on Reece's Rainbow and AdoptTogether. Both of these organizations give people the opportunity to make tax-deductible donations. Reece's Rainbow only lists children with special needs but AdoptTogether lists all kinds of adopting families.

3. Free Ways To Help. Remind your friends and family that there are many ways they can help without spending any money.

4. Keep Your Blog Info Current. Have a blog post that contains all the current fundraisers. Keep this updated so everyone knows exactly what is going on. Also have a link to this post on the layout of your blog so that it can easily be found.

5. Apply for Grants. You need a completed home study for most grant applications but it doesn't hurt to research them early and have them ready to go. You can also find them by googling things like Adoption Grants, International Adoption Grants, Special Needs Adoption Grants. Try searching by your country, by your child's specific need, etc.