Tuesday, March 14, 2017

And So It Begins: Diamond Heart Ring Giveaway

And So It Begins: Diamond Heart Ring Giveaway: Bring ‘Lana’ home giveaway! Make a donation to my FSP for a chance to win this beautiful brand new diamond heart ring from Kay Jewelers. ...

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Mother Of Many Children: On Being an "Older" Parent

The Mother Of Many Children: On Being an "Older" Parent: I never thought that at 46 I would be the mom of not only two adult children, but also five younger children between the ages of 3 an...

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Hope Rising Farm: The Final Numbers Are In

Hope Rising Farm: The Final Numbers Are In: Today we were able to get the bottom line in what we owe and what we need....so here goes.   We owe $2320 for the rest of our fees, and trav...

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Girl, born August 2006 Listed: June 18, 2013 Mixed hemangioma of face and neck, Chronic viral hepatitis C, Other specified deforming dorsopathies (carriage defect), Astigmatism, Iron deficiency anemia Susana is a friendly and sociable girl! From a family who visited her during hosting: “She’s a sweet girl, clung to her host mother a lot. Went through the dr appointments like a champ, very brave. Host mom said sometimes it would seem like she would shut down when she’d get upset or things wouldn’t go her way. The tumor is made up of blood vessels and requires more testing but is not cancerous to their knowledge. It will continue to grow if nothing is done and it has already caused problems with her jaw and she’ll require dental work. Surgery to reroute the blood vessels is needed.” VIDEO:SUSANA Married couples only. Larger families welcome, travel required. Contact debbie@reecesrainbow.org for more info on how to adopt Susana!