Saturday, December 4, 2010

The process begins.

Maybe this is a bit premature, but I figured you have to start somewhere. I'm at the very beginning of the process...sort of. The seed was planted in my heart years ago when I was a teenager..and I've been praying about and researching adoption for years. Finally, I've decided to take the first step and I'm trusting God to lead the way.
FAMILY... something that every child deserves but a blessing that many thousand children will never know. These children are abandoned in orphanages...they had no control over where they were born or where they live, but each child was placed on this earth by God and they have a purpose. I know that my purpose is to be a mother to one of these children. To give them a To show them God's Love and teach them about their Savior. Please pray for me and the special child I'm meant to find. This journey will be hard and also very costly. I am trusting God to provide the funds for my adoption. If you feel led to donate, please click the link.
Any amount of waiting by a child without a family, is too long.
Please pray for us as we embark on this exciting journey that God has for us.

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