Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Love the ones who don't just because you can. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Kiss slowly. Forgive quickly. God never said life would be easy. He just promised it would be worth it.
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Shopkick Rewards
The basic idea is that it's an app you use when you're shopping in a store or a mall to collect points, browse specials, and earn real-money rewards, including gift certificates. In theory, stores will get more foot traffic and more sales, so they're happy to pay Shopkick a small commission for people to walk into the store or a commission on Shopkick users' purchases, if they buy merchandise that's being promoted in the Shopkick app. Please use my code to earn extra points: davis59335
Today you can get up to: 2000 kicks, lot's of kicks you get just for walking in to the store. Very cool app!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Micah Six Eight: Transferred!
Micah Six Eight: Transferred!: TRANSFERRED NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Transferred! Rebecca and Charlie Moved from an orphanage where they were ...
Something to think about….
From Dave Ramsey book “The Total Money Makeover: Separate Checking accounts.
Here’s the deal. When you get married, you become a team. The pastor at your wedding wasn’t joking when he said, “And now you are one.” It’s called unity. The old marriage vows say, “Unto thee I pledge all my worldly goods.” In other words, “I’m all in,” so combine the checking accounts.
It’s hard to have unity when you separate your bank accounts. When his money is over here, and her money is over there, it’s easy to live in your own little financial world instead of working as a team.
When you do your spending together, it’s about “our” money. We have an income and we have expenses and we have goals. So when you’re both in agreement on where the money is going, then you’ve taken a major step to being on the same page in your marriage, and you will create awesome levels of communication.
This all boils down to trust. Do you trust your spouse or not? I’ve heard from people who keep separate bank accounts just in case their spouse leaves them. Well, why on earth would you marry someone you can’t trust? And if that’s really the case, then you need marriage counseling, not separate bank accounts!
Your spouse isn’t your roommate, and this isn’t a joint business venture. It’s a marriage! You don’t run your household and your life separately. Your job is to love each other well, and that includes having shared financial goals – which is hard to do when you have separate accounts.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Let's start 2016 with 52 Week Money Challenge Saving Plan.
Maybe this is your first time hearing about the 52 Week Money Challenge Saving Plan. So here are the details.
This is literally the easiest way to save almost $1,378 in a year! Every week you deposit money into your jar or bank account, however you decide to do it. The amount depends on the number of week it is in the year.
Print out and keep track of your weeks. Maybe on a "blessed" week do a couple weeks if possible.
Instead of going week by week, every Sunday I will deposit some money into the jar. This will depend on how our finances are going - maybe on a tight week I will put in a small dollar amount but on a good week strive for those large numbers towards the last weeks on my print out. Honestly, there is no RIGHT way to do this but if you fill a jar with this amount of money you will end up with close to $1,400 dollars by 2017!
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Let's earn Gift Cards!
1. CheckPoints #1 Rewards App
CheckPoints is a popular free mobile phone app that allows users to earn reward points for participating in promotional offers and performing various tasks, such as checking into local business, scanning product items in-store, watching advertisement videos, and more. The points earned within the app can be exchanged for gift cards to popular national retailers such Amazon, Starbucks, and Walmart.
Please use my code to earn extra points: ilackaja38
The basic idea is that it's an app you use when you're shopping in a store or a mall to collect points, browse specials, and earn real-money rewards, including gift certificates.
In theory, stores will get more foot traffic and more sales, so they're happy to pay Shopkick a small commission for people to walk into the store or a commission on Shopkick users' purchases, if they buy merchandise that's being promoted in the Shopkick app.
Please use my code to earn extra points: 2DmXc4
The Ibotta app will pay you cash to take a picture of your receipts.
Here’s how it works:
~ Sign up for a free account with Ibotta (just need a name & email address).
~ Download the mobile app and then click on the “Rebates” section.
~ From here, you should see dozens of different rebates you can take advantage of. For example, right now the app is offering me 50 cents if I upload a picture of a receipt showing that I bought milk. And there’s another rebate for $10 if I upload a picture of a Best Buy receipt.
Please use my code to earn extra points: ufcqfru
4. SIMON - Malls, Mills & Outlets
A must-have smartphone app for every savvy shopper that visits one of the 200+ Simon Malls® & Simon Mills® & Simon Premium Outlets® shopping centers nationwide. There’s no better way to maximize your shopping experience, whether at home or in the mall. So download the official SIMON Android App today.
Top App Features Include:
■ Access over 200 mall maps to help you navigate your local Simon shopping center.
■ Check out the latest deals, news and events available at your favorite mall.
■ Find the stores, dining and entertainment options that you care about at the Simon, Mills or Premium Outlets shopping center nearest you.
■ Connect with your mall on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
■ Share the best malls, stores, deals, news and events with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Email or SMS.
■ Add deals and events that interest you directly to your calendar so that you'll never miss out.
■ See what available shopper services & amenities any given mall offers.
■ Easily check the balance of your Simon Malls, Simon Mills or Simon Premium Outlets Simon Giftcards®.
■ Contact us or provide app feedback all from within the app.
■ Learn more about the other parts of Simon, including our offerings to businesses, investors and job seekers.
■ Sign up for emails that help you save time and money at your mall & become a Mall Insider® today.
■ Quickly look up mall hours, driving directions, local weather conditions and mall contact information.
The SIMON Android App supports Simon & Mills malls and shopping centers all across America including, but not limited to, those in the following cities / states:
New York, NY, Chicago, IL, Los Angeles, CA, Washington DC, Boston, MA,
Atlanta, GA, Dallas, TX, Houston, TX, Orlando, FL, Miami, FL, Austin, TX,
Philadelphia, PA, Indianapolis, IN, Kansas City, MO and Seattle, WA
Please use my code to earn extra points: 098LYG. Thanks.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
This is TESIA.
I am her Angel Tree Warrior this year!
The goal is to raise $1000 for her adoption fund and bring her to the attention of the family who will choose to adopt her.
Save the dates: the "Angel Tree" begins on Nov. 1st and goes through Dec. 31st.
Please pray for those children and support! Every dollar helps!
To see her profile, please click here: TESIA.
If you would like to know more about Christmas Angel Tree, please click here:
Christmas Warrior Program.
One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others!
Thank you!
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Mobile Apps That Will Help You Earn Extra Money.
1. CheckPoints #1 Rewards App
CheckPoints is a popular free mobile phone app that allows users to earn reward points for participating in promotional offers and performing various tasks, such as checking into local business, scanning product items in-store, watching advertisement videos, and more. The points earned within the app can be exchanged for gift cards to popular national retailers such Amazon, Starbucks, and Walmart.
Please use my code to earn extra points: ilackaja38
The basic idea is that it's an app you use when you're shopping in a store or a mall to collect points, browse specials, and earn real-money rewards, including gift certificates.
In theory, stores will get more foot traffic and more sales, so they're happy to pay Shopkick a small commission for people to walk into the store or a commission on Shopkick users' purchases, if they buy merchandise that's being promoted in the Shopkick app.
Please use my code to earn extra points: 2DmXc4
The Ibotta app will pay you cash to take a picture of your receipts.
Here’s how it works:
~ Sign up for a free account with Ibotta (just need a name & email address).
~ Download the mobile app and then click on the “Rebates” section.
~ From here, you should see dozens of different rebates you can take advantage of. For example, right now the app is offering me 50 cents if I upload a picture of a receipt showing that I bought milk. And there’s another rebate for $10 if I upload a picture of a Best Buy receipt.
Please use my code to earn extra points: ufcqfru
4. SIMON - Malls, Mills & Outlets
A must-have smartphone app for every savvy shopper that visits one of the 200+ Simon Malls® & Simon Mills® & Simon Premium Outlets® shopping centers nationwide. There’s no better way to maximize your shopping experience, whether at home or in the mall. So download the official SIMON Android App today.
Top App Features Include:
■ Access over 200 mall maps to help you navigate your local Simon shopping center.
■ Check out the latest deals, news and events available at your favorite mall.
■ Find the stores, dining and entertainment options that you care about at the Simon, Mills or Premium Outlets shopping center nearest you.
■ Connect with your mall on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
■ Share the best malls, stores, deals, news and events with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Email or SMS.
■ Add deals and events that interest you directly to your calendar so that you'll never miss out.
■ See what available shopper services & amenities any given mall offers.
■ Easily check the balance of your Simon Malls, Simon Mills or Simon Premium Outlets Simon Giftcards®.
■ Contact us or provide app feedback all from within the app.
■ Learn more about the other parts of Simon, including our offerings to businesses, investors and job seekers.
■ Sign up for emails that help you save time and money at your mall & become a Mall Insider® today.
■ Quickly look up mall hours, driving directions, local weather conditions and mall contact information.
The SIMON Android App supports Simon & Mills malls and shopping centers all across America including, but not limited to, those in the following cities / states:
New York, NY, Chicago, IL, Los Angeles, CA, Washington DC, Boston, MA,
Atlanta, GA, Dallas, TX, Houston, TX, Orlando, FL, Miami, FL, Austin, TX,
Philadelphia, PA, Indianapolis, IN, Kansas City, MO and Seattle, WA
Please use my code to earn extra points: 098LYG. Thanks.
Monday, September 28, 2015
ransomfordylan: To Hell and Back - Part 1I will not sugar coat th...
ransomfordylan: To Hell and Back - Part 1
I will not sugar coat th...: To Hell and Back - Part 1 I will not sugar coat this trip. It started difficult and soon escalated into an all out avalanche of tear...
I will not sugar coat th...: To Hell and Back - Part 1 I will not sugar coat this trip. It started difficult and soon escalated into an all out avalanche of tear...
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Blessings Eternal: Changing Lives Auction is open for bidding!
Blessings Eternal: Changing Lives Auction is open for bidding!: Our auction is open for bidding! Something for everyone and almost everything is NEW! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1659248401...
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Our BIG Adventure ... to Jonah and Rees: ***The BIG Event*** Molly's Locks -for- Love
Our BIG Adventure ... to Jonah and Rees: ***The BIG Event*** Molly's Locks -for- Love: Well, she did it, folks!! Today was the BIG DAY that Molly Frances had her BIG haircut! Yep ... she sure did! But let
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Special Giveaway Drawing for a “$50 Amazon Gift Card.”
Celebrating another year of CHRISTMAS WARRIOR PROMGRAM: reesesrainbow.org/christmaswarriorproram
Here is how to enter: Just answer the question in the comment section for this post and you are automatically entered into the drawing. It’s that easy. Please everyone participate.
The contest drawing will begin September 22nd Tuesday and end on October 6th Tuesday at midnight. The winner will be announced Wednesday October 7th on the website.
Here is the “$50 Amazon Gift Card” Giveaway Drawing Question:
What is something you are THANKFUL for? What warms your heart and brings a smile to your face?
It can be anything. Maybe you thankful for something or someone special in your life. Maybe what brings a smile to your face is seeing a dog stick his head out the car window, ears blowing in the breeze and a big doggie smile. I know there is lot’s to choose from. Just share something serious or silly but have fun and pick whatever is on your heart.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Leap of Faith: 12 days !!
Leap of Faith: 12 days !!: In just 12 days, we will likely be boarding a plane headed to China. This whole process has been so rushed, and gratefully so. It truly i...
Sunday, February 8, 2015
A Day in the Life of a Lourcey: Margaret's Voice
A Day in the Life of a Lourcey: Margaret's Voice: If you were to sit down and have a coffee with me and we got into a deep, real conversation about what is going on in our lives, I am most ...
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Dancing With Starfish: 100 Lucky Red Envelope Fundraiser!!
Dancing With Starfish: 100 Lucky Red Envelope Fundraiser!!: From the first time I saw this little girls face 2 yrs ago, I wanted her to be a part of our family. While life has been going on her...
Monday, February 2, 2015
Orphan's Treasures: Orphan's Treasures Auction
Orphan's Treasures: Orphan's Treasures Auction: Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store ...
Thursday, January 29, 2015
BeyondWhatMyEyesHaveSeen: Why is there water all over the floor?
BeyondWhatMyEyesHaveSeen: Why is there water all over the floor?: The other night as I was washing dishes, the sound of a chair being pushed across the floor meant my five year old was on a mission to ...
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Loving Lance Home: But I only have $5
Loving Lance Home: But I only have $5: The financial cost of international adoption is staggering and seems to be growing. Families look at a price tag of $30,000 or $40,000 and ...
Let's Pay it Forward
After all the recent terrible tragedies that have happened and are happening, this world needs as much kindness as it can get. I'm participating in this 'Pay it Forward' initiative:
The first five people who comment on this status with "I'm in" will receive a surprise from me at some point during this year - anything from a book, a ticket, something home-grown, homemade, a postcard, absolutely any surprise! There will be no warning and it will happen when the mood comes over me and I find something that I believe would suit you and make you happy. These five people must make the same offer on their status. Once my first five have commented "I'm in" I will forward this message to you privately, so that you can copy and paste it, and put it on your status, (don't share it) so that we can form a web connection of kindness.
The Many Uses of Lemongrass Essential Oil
Lemongrass has long been used in Asian and Caribbean cooking due to its subtle lemon flavor and aroma. It has been found to support healthy digestion, and soothe aching muscles.
Cymbopogon citratus
Caution: This oil can feel very warm on the skin; always dilute for sensitive skin.
Lemongrass is a tall, aromatic, perennial, fast-growing (3 ft. or more in height) grass. The essential oil is steam distilled from the finely chopped, fresh or partly dried grass (usually two crops a year). The scent is pungent, fresh, lemon, hay-like top notes with earthy, green grassy undertones. It blends well with most citruses and florals (Bergamot in particular) and also with Marjoram, Rosemary, Ginger, Whisper, and Frankincense. (High in Citral-main active component).
Uses: Analgesic, (one of the oils that less is more), antibacterial, anticancer, antidepressant, antiseptic, antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, arterial vasodilator, mild diuretic, expectorant, antiviral, bactericide, carminative (settles digestion, relieves flatulence, and intestinal cramping) deodorant, reduces fevers, nervine,(stimulates and strengthens the nervous system) tonic, (invigorates and strengthens the body) and insect repellant.
Excellent effectiveness with Staph infections, bladder infections, fluid retention, kidney disorders, lymphatic drainage, and strengthens vascular walls. Reduces bad cholesterol, improves digestion, improves eyesight, repairs ligaments, wakes up the lymphatic system, great for tissue regeneration. Regulates parasympathetic nervous system, improves digestion, relieves acne, symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, H-Pylori reducer (a pathogen responsible for gastroduodenal disease), purifies lymphatic system and digestive system, and eliminates some parasites.
Lemongrass Oil can improve your athletic performance by increasing blood circulation. (Brings highly oxygenated cells from your lungs to enhance the energy you need for a better physical performance.) After exercising, is very helpful in promoting the relief of build up of lactic acid in the muscles that can cause cramping or ―"Charlie horses."
Pain can happen anywhere in your body, but it takes your brain to register that it’s happening. Essential oils can go right to the top of the command to tell your brain to pretend that the pain isn’t there. Lemongrass acts similar to the sedative opiate drugs that are derived from opium to act on the brain without affecting your central nervous system. Lemongrass Oil depresses the higher, cerebral cortex, part of your brain (and its cough center) so that the pain sensations don’t get registered.
The scent of Lemongrass will decrease irritability and drowsiness. Psychologically, Lemongrass is uplifting and energizing. Also good for concentration and clear thinking, strengthens retina (eye nerve lining the back of the eye that communicates light changes and allows a vision to be seen clearly.)
Pain relief: to dull pain locally, apply directly to the area, Lemongrass 2 drops with Fractionated Coconut Oil 2 drops or Lavender 2 drops or Basil 2 drops – mix your combo choice; Apply to the area and wait 6 minutes before reapplying. A little will work faster than a lot – especially for pain and cough.
Cholesterol, reduction of bad: Lemongrass 3 drops and Melaluca 5 drops in capsule twice a day.
Headaches: Blend Lemongrass 2 drops with lavender 2 drops and apply to the temples.
Footbaths for sore and tired feet: Lemongrass with Epsom salt soak 3 drops max, in a soaking tub. (dish pan)
An antiseptic wash or compress is used on skin infections, especially ringworm and infected skin sores. Prepare Lemongrass 2 drops, Lavender 4 drops, Cypress 4 drops – add to Epsom salts, then quart of warm water, soak pure cotton cloth and apply to area letting cloth sit for 5 minutes and then resoak and reapply. Use same formula in 2 ounce spritzer bottle with distilled water to gently spray an infected area too painful to touch.
Massage blend for sore and tight muscles: Lemongrass 3 drops, Basil 4 drops, Clary Sage 5 drops, Fractionated Coconut Oil 8 drops, apply upward motion toward torso; Wait 10 minutes and then if need to reapply.
Kidney and bladder recovery: Lemongrass 3 drops, Cypress 5 drops, Basil 4 drops, apply the combo generously on the low back and across the lower front of the abdomen for two days after symptoms resolve. If stones are a long term issue please ingest the flowing blend after two days of drinking 1⁄2 gallon of organic cranberry juice then combine Lemongrass 3 drops, Helichrysum 2 drops, Coriander 2 drops in capsules twice a day for 9 days.
URI with cough: Lemongrass 2 drops, White Fir 2 drops, Ylang Ylang 3 drops. Apply to chest and back of the neck – if very sensitive skin, use Fractionated Coconut Oil.
Thyroid balance: Lemongrass, clary sage, clove, and Patchouli
Grave’s Disease –Hyperthroidism: Lemongrass, and Myrrh
Hashimoto’s Disease (Hypothyroidism): Lemongrass, Clove, Myrrh
Cold hands and feet: Lemongrass 2 drops in center of hands and add new moisturizing cream and rub into hands and wrists, do the same for feet each night before sleep. Take the Lifelong Vitality Pack.
Parasite relief: GX Assist, Lemongrass, DigestZen, Peppermint. Diffuse: Lemongrass 3 drops, Wild Orange 5 drops, White Fir 3 drops, gently mix together and add 3-4 drops to your diffuser and run 15 minutes an hour in room where sleeping.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Lemongrass 3 drops, Rosemary 4 drops, Lavender 5 drops, Bergamot 5 drops. Blend gently and apply to painful joints, vital flex points, Bottoms of feet several times a day. ---Internally: Lemongrass 3 drops, Lavender 5 drops, Wild Orange 4 drops, Frankincense 3 drops, in capsule 3 times a day.
Wellness/Vitality Pack daily with additional CRS, Terrazyme 3 caps with each meal, Keep person WARM all of the time (reduces bone pain).
Respectfully researched by Dr. Susan Lawton and submitted to support usage of doTerra Lemongrass Essential Oil. Posted with permission from Jaime Walsh.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Things I'm Learning, Have Learned and Will Never Understand.: Puzzle Piece Fundraiser $2/piece
Things I'm Learning, Have Learned and Will Never Understand.: Puzzle Piece Fundraiser $2/piece: We are doing a puzzle piece fundraiser. What is that you ask?? Well I purchased a puzzle that has 550 pieces. For $2 Ramil will write yo...
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